Terms and conditions

Data Privacy Policy

This Data Privacy Policy (hereinafter the ‘Privacy Policy’) is addressed to those who access and/or use the functionalities of the Website www.einhell.com.ar (hereinafter the ‘Users’ and the ‘Website’, respectively). This Policy regulates the treatment, by EINHELL ARGENTINA SA, of information relating to the Users and collected through this site (hereinafter the ‘Personal Data’).
In this way, we comply with the duties of information and consent established in Law 25.326 on Personal Data Protection and its complementary regulations (hereinafter the ‘LPDP’).
By using the Website and/or entering or submitting Personal Data, Users accept this Policy together with the Terms and Conditions.
In certain cases, the different web portals included in the Site may have their own Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policies. In such cases, we suggest that you read them carefully.
This Policy describes:
- What data will be collected, how it will be used and the purpose for which it will be processed;
- How the company protects the personal data of the Users;
- The rights of Data Subjects and how to exercise them;
- The consequences of providing the data or its inaccuracy.
a) Data collected, manner and purpose of processing.
The processing of Personal Data will be entirely in accordance with the provisions of the LPDP. We are committed to protecting the privacy of our Users. Therefore, our Website does not collect Personal Data, unless the Users themselves provide it to us voluntarily.
In the event that the User provides EINHELL ARGENTINA SA with information about another person, the User declares that he/she has obtained the relevant authorisation from the data subject for the collection and processing of the data in accordance with the terms of this Policy.
The Company will never use Personal Data for purposes other than those mentioned in this Policy. Depending on the user's use of the Website, the Personal Data collected will be used by EINHELL ARGENTINA SA for one or more of the following purposes:
- Fulfilling contractual, scientific or professional obligations agreed with the User Persons;
- To manage contact requests (commercial, journalistic contacts, among others), queries and complaints made by the Users;
- Enable other activities and/or interactions available on the Website.

It is also possible that EINHELL ARGENTINA SA disclose Personal Data by legal mandate, as part of a judicial process or at the request of an authority, both inside or outside the country. Similarly, we may disclose Personal Data if it is necessary or appropriate for reasons of national security, to comply with applicable law or for other relevant reasons of public interest.

b) Security of personal data
EINHELL ARGENTINA SA has adopted the measures and security levels of personal data protection required by the applicable regulations. Personal data collected through this Website are subject to automated processing and are stored in databases owned by EINHELL ARGENTINA SA, and under no circumstances its use will exceed the strictly personal or internal scope of the company, for purposes of communication with the owner of the data.

c) Rights of the Data Controllers
Data Controllers have the right to exercise their right to access the Data free of charge, duly proving their identity for such purpose, at intervals of no less than six months, unless a legitimate interest is proven to that effect pursuant to the provisions of section 14, subsection 3 of Law Nº25.326. Likewise, where appropriate, Data Subjects have the right to exercise the rights of rectification and deletion of the data.
In order to exercise these rights, the Data Subject must submit a request, either in person or remotely, by any of the following means: electronic messaging, document letter and/or written presentation with signature certified by a Bank or Notary Public, and/or by postal or telegraphic means.
The request must include: a) Your name and surname; b) Original or authenticated copy of your ID card or legally equivalent valid document proving your identity; c) Address; d) Postcode; e) Telephone; f) E-mail; g) Specification of the type of right being exercised: right of access, deletion, rectification, updating or confidentiality. In the latter three cases, you must provide a brief explanation of why the request should correspond; h) Means by which you wish to obtain the information, which may be provided in writing, by electronic, telephonic or image means, or any other means suitable for this purpose, in accordance with Article 15.3 of Law 25326; i) Your handwritten signature at the end of the request. In the event that the request is made via electronic messaging, you may use your digital signature, if you have one.
Depending on the means chosen, the request should be sent to:
CORRIENTES AV. 1463 Piso:3 Dpto:5, CABA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
The aforementioned e-mail address will only deal with requests to exercise the rights regulated by Law 25.326 on Personal Data Protection. THE AGENCY OF ACCESS TO PUBLIC INFORMATION, in its capacity as Control Body of Law No. 25.326, has the power to deal with complaints and claims filed by those whose rights are affected by non-compliance with the regulations in force regarding the protection of personal data.


1. These Terms and Conditions (hereinafter the ‘Rules’) delimit and clarify the conditions under which the sweepstakes (hereinafter the ‘Sweepstakes’) communicated through posts on the Instagram account ‘@einhell_argentina’ and publications on the Facebook fan page ‘/EinhellArgentina.’ or through promotional material displayed at exhibitions and fairs will be governed. The provisions herein shall be binding on participants. It will be understood that every person, by deciding to participate in the Sweepstakes, knows and accepts the conditions and limitations set forth in these Rules.
2. The Organiser of this Sweepstakes is EINHELL ARGENTINA SA, C.U.I.T. 30-71193247-6, with registered office at CORRIENTES AV. 1463 Piso:3 Dpto:5, CABA, Buenos Aires, Argentina (hereinafter the ‘Organiser’).
Participation in the Draw implies the decision of the person to be bound by the rules of these Regulations and by the decisions of the Organiser, which shall be final in all matters relating to the Draw.
4.Any violation of these rules or of the procedures or systems established for participation in the prize draw will result in immediate exclusion from the prize draw and/or revocation of the prizes.
5. These Rules and Regulations will be published and made available to all members of the public wishing to participate in the prize draw. Any doubts or queries regarding the scope and interpretation of these Regulations may be sent to the following e-mail address: servicio.argentina@einhell.com.
6. This Sweepstakes complies with all Instagram and Facebook privacy rules and policies, and is compliant with the Data Protection policy.
7. This Sweepstakes is not sponsored, associated with or administered by Instagram or Facebook.
8. Entrants must be of legal age and resident in Argentina. Employees of EINHELL ARGENTINA SA are excluded.
9. Participation will be open to persons who meet the requirements set out in the communication of the Sweepstakes, according to the publications and / or posts made by the Organizer.
10. Only 1 participation per person will be considered, unless otherwise specified.
11. By participating in this Sweepstakes, each participant gives the Organizer his/her prior, express and informed consent to collect and store in their respective databases, the personal data provided in the framework of the Sweepstakes and those contained in their Instagram account, relating to their name, surname, telephone number, e-mail, photos and/or images and any other personal data or background information provided, to process them, to use them for the purposes of including them as a participant and contacting them in the framework of the Sweepstakes. The participant also understands that as the holder of the Personal Data he/she has the right to request access, rectification and updating and, where appropriate, deletion of the Personal Data. The holder of the Personal Data has the right to exercise the right of access to the same free of charge at intervals of no less than six months, unless he/she proves a legitimate interest to that effect, in accordance with the provisions of article 14, paragraph 3 of Law 25.326 of the Argentine Republic. The enforcement authority (the National Directorate for the Protection of Personal Data) is responsible for dealing with complaints and claims filed in relation to non-compliance with the rules on the protection of personal data.
12. The prize of the Sweepstakes will be informed in a post or publication through the Social Networks of EINHELL ARGENTINA SA (hereinafter the ‘Prize’). The Prize cannot be exchanged for cash and/or any other product or item.
13. On the informed day and time one (1) single winner will be chosen at random via the following website: app-sorteos.com/es/apps/sorteados, resulting from all entries. The draw will be published as a ‘Story’ or ‘Post’ on the Instagram account ‘@Einhell_argentina’ and on the Facebook fan page ‘/EinhellArgentina’.
14. The winner will be notified by the Organizer by phone call or e-mail, according to the data declared when completing their participation, within TWENTY-FOUR (24) working hours after the end of the draw, when the delivery of the Prize will also be coordinated. The winner will be published on the Instagram account ‘@Einhell_Argentina’ and on the Facebook fan page ‘/EinhellArgentina’. The winner expressly authorizes the Organizer and those appointed by the Organizer for publicity purposes to publish his/her name, ID number, personal data, prizes, images and photographs on the Instagram account ‘@Einhell_Argentina’ and on the Facebook fan page ‘/EinhellArgentina’ for an unlimited period of time.
15. In the event that the Organiser is unable to contact the potential winner, or does not receive a response from the winner within 48 (Forty-eight) hours of the message sent, the winner will automatically lose the possibility of accessing the Prize and the first alternate chosen on the day of the draw will be notified automatically, who may be awarded the Prize provided that he/she complies with the requirements set out in these terms and conditions.
16. The Organiser may require the winner to provide the necessary documents to prove his/her identity.
17. This draw may be suspended, cancelled and/or modified in whole or in part, at any time, at the sole discretion of the Organizer, with prior notification through the mass media, and without the right to any claim by the participants.
18. This Sweepstakes shall be deemed to be issued in accordance with the laws applicable in the territory of the Republic of Argentina. All legal effects arising therefrom shall be construed and enforced in accordance with and pursuant to the provisions of this country. In the event of any legal dispute over the interpretation and enforcement of each of the terms of these Rules, only the Ordinary Courts of the City of Buenos Aires will have jurisdiction, with express waiver by the participants of any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them.